What a vivid picture this proverb provokes. A bird that flies too far from the safety of its home leaves itself vulnerable to predators…
Daily Word: 4 Ways to Avoid Being a Time-Sucker. Proverbs 25:17
4 Ways to Avoid Being a Time-Sucker. Today’s verse uses the word, loathe. That’s a contentious word, don’t you think?
Daily Word: What Lenses are You Wearing? Proverbs 22:4
I was thinking, there truly is a great reward in seeing life through the lenses of humility and the fear of the LORD. Living a life where we understand how great our Heavenly Father is, and
Daily Word: Prophetic Conduit, Proverbs 21:3
Is this verse saying that God wanted Israel—or us—to do the right thing rather than follow His commands? No. This passage’s truth was also…
Daily Word: Seeking Favor in the Wrong Places? Proverbs 19:6
I like receiving unexpected gifts, don’t you? A little something given to me that has nothing to do with my birthday or anniversary or…
Daily Word: Roots of Anxiety. Proverbs 12:25
Just saw a fascinating video about anxiety (see video below). There’s a rise in diagnoses of anxiety and ADHD. Medically diagnosed…
Daily Word: Where Does Wisdom Begin? Proverbs 9:10
Before creation. There is no Wisdom — true Wisdom — without the LORD. He is the source because He is the Creator of the Universe. He knows…
Daily Word: Don’t Blame the Messenger. Proverbs 18:21
Just so you know, I did not choose today’s verse. The Holy Spirit — via YouVersion — picked our passage. So, any conviction and…
Daily Word: Avoiding the Way of Pain. Proverbs 2:11-12
Wouldn’t it be great if there were warning signs today for problems we’ll face in the future? Like, don’t make this decision or that…