This chapter in Romans seems out of place. It addresses Jewish people in Israel and the diaspora (those outside Israel) that still have not…
Daily Word: But What About . . .? Ephesians 6:2-3
This is another juicy passage where context and history are so fascinating. *Sigh.* But first, let’s take these two verses at face value…
Daily Word: Where Does Wisdom Begin? Proverbs 9:10
Before creation. There is no Wisdom — true Wisdom — without the LORD. He is the source because He is the Creator of the Universe. He knows…
Daily Word: Real Fruit? Or Fake? Galatians 5:22-23
The photo to the left is a display of fruit in my dining room. Yummy green and red apples, right? They’re fake — filled with sawdust…
Daily Word: Be Strong! It’s a Choice of Faith! Joshua 1:9
There’s that word: Chazak! Be strong! Our context? Joshua’s beloved mentor has gone off somewhere to die, where GOD Himself would bury him…
Daily Word: What Do We Seek? Colossians 3:1
Did you catch that? Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. There He intercedes — He prays on our behalf to His Father…
Daily Word: Don’t Blame the Messenger. Proverbs 18:21
Just so you know, I did not choose today’s verse. The Holy Spirit — via YouVersion — picked our passage. So, any conviction and…
Daily Word: Following His Voice. Psalm 23:1-2[1]
Shepherding is one of the world’s oldest occupations. It exists in all parts of the globe, and it is an important part of pastoralist…
Daily Word: A Love Letter. Isaiah 43:2
Sigh. Today’s verse is part of a chapter I love for several reasons. First, because it is a “love letter” from the LORD to Israel…