Well, I had another birthday. A big one. Each year, as I get older hopefully, I’m getting wiser. As my skin no longer resists gravity, my…
Daily Word: Our Father, John 14:21
I love that new series, The Chosen. If you haven’t had an opportunity to watch at least the first season, I highly recommend it. Having…
Daily Word: Keep On, Keeping On! Colossians 3:17
Whatever we say or do reflects Jesus. Do our actions glorify and give our gratitude to our Heavenly Father—or not? Yikes. I suppose we can…
Daily Word: Action vs. Words? Or Both? 1 Corinthians 13:13
With all the dissent and fear and anxiety around us, is the LORD requiring more loving action and less talk of love? Yes. And no…
Daily Word: A Continual Feast? Proverbs 15:15
Ever hear the story about the father who gave one child a bunch of Christmas gifts and the other child just one gift?The first child opens…
Daily Word: Go Back to the Beginning. Psalm 119:2
Aleph [the Hebrew letter A]. Remember the movie The Sound of Music? One of my favorite scenes was when Maria taught the Von Trapp children…
Daily Word: Are We Buying Awe? James [Jacob] 1:17
Guess what I heard yesterday on the radio? That we are entering Black Friday Week. Week? Really, wasn’t that last month? Initially…
Daily Word: A Battle Cry. Psalm 107:1
On the surface, this verse might seem like a simple prayer: O, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever…
Daily Word: Love Richly. Colossians 3:16
The context of this verse is so important to another series of verses. Why? What we read in today’s verse is uplifting. A bit of teaching…