Did you catch that? The word worrisome. Oh my. WORRY creates a desert environment?So, my fretting, “concern,” and wringing of my hands is…
Daily Word: Stirring Up Strife or Trust? Proverbs 28:25
What is strife? How does greed create an environment of strife? Strife is defined as an angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental…
Daily Word: Are You Bridle-Less? Proverbs 26:3
I watched in awe as my friend, Mindy lifted her arms and rode her horse around the corral. No bridle or reins. As someone who has a…
Daily Word: Is There a Mocker in Your Life? Proverbs 15:12
We’ve all felt the sting of someone mocking us — those not-so-humorous insults, an unflattering imitation. Mocking is teasing on steroids…
Daily Word: Take Stock in Wisdom? Proverbs 3:14
It’s interesting to note that the translators and scholars of the Tree of Life Version (TLV) used “trade-value” and “yield.” These are…
Daily Word: Stay in Our Lane. Psalm 73:26
Well, I had another birthday. A big one. Each year, as I get older hopefully, I’m getting wiser. As my skin no longer resists gravity, my…
Daily Word: A Continual Feast? Proverbs 15:15
Ever hear the story about the father who gave one child a bunch of Christmas gifts and the other child just one gift?The first child opens…
Daily Word: Don’t Worry? John 16:33
John 16 was written but a few days before the unthinkable would happen. Yeshua [Jesus] would be betrayed by one of their own friends…
Daily Word: Scary Bridges? Proverbs 3:5-6
It was after midnight. My future mother-in-love and I were driving back from visiting my future hubby, who was in Navy boot camp outside…