Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 17:5

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Today’s Blog: Are we insulting our Maker?

TODAY’S PROVERB: Whoever mocks the poor insults his Maker. Whoever rejoices at calamity will not go unpunished. Proverbs 17:5, TLV

Why would someone mock a soul going through a difficulty time? How horrible. Actually, it happens a lot and in Jesus-followers! Just read the social media posts. Some poor soul is going through a crisis? Rather than praying — to ourselves — we’re commenting on how they deserved what they got. How many testimonies do we know of where a soul at their lowest looks up and realizes their sin? Our Father is all about reconciliation and redemption.

So, the question again is why?

You know what I think it is — at least, in part — insecurity. As in our insecurity. That need to criticize and elevate ourselves above others, it’s because we’re uncomfortable supporting or elevating others. Or perhaps we feel they don’t deserve our support. What if our Father felt that way about us?

This insecurity will manifest in pride, arrogance, ego, and that critical spirit.

If someone receives justice for a crime, it’s so easy to jump on the rollercoaster and scream our opinions. What if instead we prayed? Prayed that in this calamity, God moves in whatever way He wants? Even with redemption. Are we working against His plan for this person?

What about the homeless person on the street. A local shelter or food bank we drive by each day? What if we separate ourselves from the obvious criticism — “Why don’t they just get a job?” “They’re probably using the money to buy drugs/alcohol.” — and see what our Father’s heart is? How we can partner with His will?

Helping in real ways . . .

I have several friends that help the poor in real, simple ways. Some of these I’m adapting for our family:

  • One friend volunteers in shelters and food banks. She drops off food and paper items and also helps serve at meals.
  • Another keeps granola bars in her vehicle — those things never go bad — and gives one to anyone who stands on the corners.
  • While entertaining during the holidays, rather than just asking for a covered dish, one family also asks us to bring disposable diapers and baby wipes to give to women’s shelters.
  • This family also buys those travel-size toiletries, places them in colorful paper lunch bags, along with five dollars and keeps them in their vehicle. When they see a homeless person, they are ready with practical help.
  • But, probably one of the most unique acts of benevolence is my friend, Priscilla. Her “purse” ministry. All those purses you don’t use because they’re out of style? She loads each one with travel-size toiletries, tissues, a small Bible, a few dollars, coupons to local fast-food restaurants, and a note from her.

Today’s proverb reminds us that our Father is our Creator, but He’s also everyone else’s Creator. To insult or belittle someone, anyone who is less fortunate than us or going through a calamity, we are insulting our Maker. Yikes!

Doing either of these things takes us out of the Place of Grace and that would be a calamity.

May we honor the Creator and respect His creations, my friends.

Proverbs 17:5 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs