Today’s Blog: Hopeless? Maybe Not.
TODAY’S PROVERB: Such is the way of an adulteress: she eats, wipes her mouth and says, “I have done nothing wrong.” Proverbs 30:20, TLV
Sorry. Sometimes Proverbs addresses uncomfortable topics. Like this verse, it is one of a series of disturbing passages (vss. 11-23) about a haughty generation. They are so unruly and sinful that they are on their way to destroying society. Which generation is that? It could be any of us. For reference, the Proverbs 30:12 Blog discusses the supposed demographics of generations, but I want to focus on a different theme.
In this verse, the adulteress has no shame in what she’s done. Even when confronted with evidence, there is no guilt or sense of conviction. It appears the place where the Holy Spirit can prick her heart — the conscience — has lost its ability feel shame.
But, is she beyond GOD’s grasp? Thankfully, no.
We don’t know our Heavenly Father’s purposes for an individual. What if there is a future of redemption for this person? Since we don’t know, we must look past the impossibility to the hope of salvation.
There are stories of Jesus-encounters with those in adultery. Some are radically saved (John 4:4-40), others run away in shame without conviction to redemption.
In John 8:3-11, in an attempt to try to trap Yeshua (Jesus) so they could accuse Him, Torah scholars and Pharisees dragged an adulteress before Him. They didn’t care about her, or even that she sinned, they wanted to trick Jesus. But, our Savior had a different purpose in mind, because He saw her — one of His Father’s children. After He shames the crowd and they leave, this happens:
Straightening up, Yeshua said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?”
“No one, Sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Yeshua said. “Go, and sin no more.”
Can’t you just imagine this scene? The power of redemption at work. The love and hope.
The Hope of Salvation
For anyone trapped in the bondage of sin — any sin — we don’t know their future. We must look past the impossibility to the hope of salvation. And then we pray, speak truth, and love with wisdom.
May we pursue the hope of salvation , my friends.
Proverbs 30:20 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs