Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 5:22-23

masteroliveWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Do you get “lost” easily?

TODAY’S PROVERB: The iniquities of a wicked man will ensnare him. The cords of his sin will hold him down. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Proverbs 5:22-23

Have you ever missed a turn, thought you could figure out how to get back on track, only1595 Flat Earth Map  Poster to realize, “I’m lost!”?

If you’re someone who doesn’t like asking for directions, or know how to read a map, or use your GPS, I bet it happens more times than you’d like.

Getting lost or being led astray can happen to us spiritually. Our own stubbornness can hold us back from our hopes and goals. Our inconsistency and impatience can keep us from seeking God’s direction — ultimately that will lead us astray.

The antithesis of this behavior is to stay open and sensitive to God’s will. To study His “map” and stay the course He has designed for us — from the beginning of time, by the way.

That’s why living the discipline of the Proverbs each day is so important. Each day we learn something new, learn how to do it better, remember that we’re supposed to do it. All the normal things we flawed humans — who are adored by our Heavenly Father — can do to prevent being led astray. We’re less likely to fall into a “folly.”

There’s also another thing we can do. Seek directions from those who have gone before us — who have experience and maturity in this wisdom journey. No matter how great the map and GPS, having someone who’s traveled the road is so helpful. Taking our hand and leading us is amazing. Take it when God provides it. You won’t be sorry.

May we stay the course and follow the directions, my friends.

Proverbs 5:22-23, Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs

[WATCH Tree of Life Bible Society’s CEO, Daniah Greenberg and me, Terri Gillespie, Author dig a little deeper with this proverb. Check us out at Tree of Life Bible Society, Monday through Friday, LIVE at 8:30am EST. Watch previous episodes there as well. Stay wise, my friends!]


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