Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 1:4-5

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Are Resolutions Worth it?

TODAY’S PROVERB: “…to give discernment to the naïve, knowledge and discretion to the youth, (let the wise listen and increase learning and the discerning obtain wise counsel)… Proverbs 1:4-5

Happy New Year! Have you written your New Year’s Resolution for 2019? Did you know about 40% of the population do, which is higher than I thought. But of those 40% who challenge themselves with goals and ideals, only 8% achieve them. Yikes!

When we set such lofty goals we tend to overlook the most important changes in our life that can be achieved in the seemingly simple things. Like, choosing joy–even when we don’t feel it. Resting–even when we feel we don’t have time. Fellowshiping--even when we’re not very good at it. Being grateful–even in lack. These are good places to begin.

What if in 2019 we resolve to draw closer to our Heavenly Father? What if we resolve to dig deeper into the things that are important to Him–like His Word and His people? What if we listen and increase our learning?

Does that sound too lofty? It’s not, because God gave us to tools to do it. He gave us His word and His people.

My resolution for 2019 is pretty much the same as the last few decades. Each day I resolve to: Read a chapter of Proverbs each day, follow Israel journey through the Bible, maybe scribble a few lines of what God is showing me in my journey (the good and not so good), and lastly be open to what my Abba is showing me for this season of my life.

Reading that chapter of Proverbs does two powerful things: it reveals new insights into God’s character and will, and reminds us how to walk those lessons. Every year, every month, and every day we meditate on those keys to life and wisdom. How to relate to Him and each other.

Are Resolutions worth it? I think so. If anything, they are reminders that we, as followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Messiah Jesus, should live purposefully. Random acts of spirituality won’t feed us or mature us. Studying is good, but living wisdom, living His word is amazing.

May we have a blessed and purposeful New Year, my friends. And may it be filled with wisdom, shalom, hope, joy, and a deeper relationship with God and His kids.

Proverbs 1:4-5, Tree of Life Bible SocietyTree of Life Version – TLV#tlvbible#tlvproverbs

[WATCH Tree of Life Bible Society’s CEO, Daniah Greenberg and me, Terri Gillespie, Author dig a little deeper with this proverb. Check us out at Tree of Life Bible Society, Monday through Friday, LIVE at 8:30am EST. Watch previous episodes there as well. Stay wise, my friends!]
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