This verse is part of the “Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus illuminates the heart of the Torah to spiritually hungry Jewish souls …
Daily Word: The Forgotten Armor, Ephesians 6:18
In today’s verse, Paul includes praying in the Spirit. Without getting into controversial definitions, let’s just say these are not “ordinary”
Daily Word: Take a Deep Breath, Deuteronomy 31:6
By the end of 2021, Chazak was but a whisper of hope. When I sought Him for my 2022 word, it always came back to Chazak.
Daily Word: A Different Perspective, Psalm 95:6
Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile,
Daily Word: What If? John 8:12
Novelists and seekers of knowledge commonly ask: What if? There have been a few “what ifs” tumbling inside my brain for some time.
Daily Word: The Note of Shame, Colossians 2:14-15
I was eight and had just transferred to a new school because I had been the victim of bullies at the previous school.
Daily Word: The Greatest Gift, Ephesians 2:8-9
Gifts we give. Gifts we receive. But the greatest gift came in a simple package, yet we will explore its contents for the rest of our lives.
Daily Word: An Unexpected Purpose, 1 Peter 1:3
Context. Today we hear from Peter. He writes to the Jewish believers outside Israel in and around Asia and Turkey.
Daily Word: Our Song of Ascent. Psalm 130:5
Today’s verse is nestled within a Song of Ascents psalm. If you’ve read my devotions over the years, you probably remember that many scholars