Daily Word: Adultery Against God? Proverbs 6:29

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

So is he who goes to another man’s wife. No one who touches her will go unpunished. Proverbs 6:29, TLV


Adultery Against God?   Today’s verse seems straightforward: “Do not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) And that is what today’s Proverb is about — taking another man’s wife and the repercussions that occur to them and others around them. (By the way: the sister to adultery is fornication, which is sex before marriage.)

Now, before we “blink” past these passages, it’s important to remember two things:

  1. GOD forgives when we repent. He’ll be with us as we deal with the aftermath of adultery — as victims or perpetrators.
  2. Adultery in the obvious sense, is only the tip of the message in this verse.

As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, there are all types of seduction: sexual, power, money, career, drugs, alcohol, pornography, gossip, electronics, media, social media . . . the list is long.

But there is an adultery that truly breaks our Heavenly Father’s heart: the adultery we commit against Him.

I [the LORD] noted that when backsliding Israel committed adultery, I sent her away and gave her a certificate of divorce. Yet, unfaithful Judah, her sister, did not fear. Instead, she also went and committed adultery. Jeremiah 3:8, TLV

Yes, we can commit adultery against the Creator of the Universe. We do that when we worship other “gods.”

Don’t blink again, my friends.

Remember in the paragraph above? The types of seduction? When we are seduced into sin or in “worshiping” our passions — when our pursuits overshadow our commitment to the LORD — we are committing adultery.

It happens more frequently than we might think. Experts say that people who tend to obsess over/worship things, activities, and people are by “nature” insecure. They are looking for something to fill the lack in themselves. Hmm. Interesting.

That void — the lack — in our life can only be filled by our Creator. Our loving Abba [Daddy]. Savior. Comforter.

Anything or anyone we use to fill that void is a “god.” So, I guess not only are we breaking the first commandment to not have any gods before Him, but we also break the 6th commandment, adultery.

Are there Godly passions?

Having said that, just know passion that the Holy Spirit gives us—that is built into us—is a partnership with our Father. His Spirit will lead and guide us in those pursuits. However, even those Godly passions can be turned into “gods” when we take GOD out of the picture or relegate Him to the background. How do we avoid this?

Knowing who we are in Messiah. Walking our faith journey with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Living the Proverbs each day. A healthy prayer and worship life. Fellowship and accountability to a body of believers. These are all ways to keep us from succumbing to seduction.

Just know that if we’re currently in an adulterous relationship with a person, activity, or thing, our Heavenly Daddy is here to help us untangle from it. He longs to help us. Let Him help, forgive, heal, restore. It’s what He’s all about.

May we flee from the seductions around us and be faithful to our LORD, my friends.


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