Daily Word: Missing that Sweet Sleep? Proverbs 3:24

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24, TLV


Missing that Sweet Sleep?   Sounds to me like we’re promised sweet sleep. What if we’re having difficulties with sleeping? Other than us, what’s up with that? Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, resulting in unrefreshing or non-restorative sleep.

There are times when insomnia is circumstantial. Unexpected events such as a new baby, jet lag, trauma, death of a loved one, a break-up, etc.

When my younger sister suddenly died six years ago, I struggled with grief and anxiety that made getting a good night’s sleep nearly impossible. After months of suffering and praying, the LORD seemed to say, “Don’t be foolish, see your doctor.”

I made an appointment and asked her for advice. While she did prescribe a sleep medication, her simply telling me it was normal and to give myself a break probably did more to comfort me than anything. A few months later, I could sleep on my own without medication.

Sometimes, sleeplessness is caused by medication or a medical condition like sleep apnea.

An Unsolicited Public Service Announcement

My friends, if you suspect you might have sleep apnea and are not on a breathing apparatus at night, please, please, please, see the doctor. Snoring and abrupt disruptions in sleep or breathing at night could be signs of something serious. I realize this isn’t the typical subject matter I write about in my devotions, but anyone reading this who has or knows someone with these symptoms and is not on a C-Pap, please accept this counsel: GO. SEE. THE. DOCTOR.

Other Battles . . .

If you have none of the above issues, and still battle to get a good night’s sleep, then something or someone is robbing you of your God-given gift for sweet sleep.

Is your mind going 80-mph with thoughts? What are the thoughts? Arguments? Things we shouldn’t have said? Or should have said? Do we need to forgive someone? Or ask for forgiveness?

Have we consumed too much food, alcohol, caffeine, or sugar?

Bad habits are so easy to acquire. If they’ve been part of our life long-term, we may not realize it is affecting our sleep. We will need wisdom to discover the root, and possibly wise counsel to change those bad habits.

If our Heavenly Father has promised us restorative sleep, then He’ll take our hand and show us how. It’s His promise.

I don’t have all the answers for why we may be struggling with sweet sleep, but fortunately, I don’t have to, our Father does. And He’s there for us, morning, noon, and night.

May we have a sweet sleep, my friends.

Are you struggling with getting a full, sweet night’s sleep? Is this a long-term problem, or something new? What has the Lord shown you today?

Yawn. Thanks for stopping by for the read. I hope it was helpful. If so, I would appreciate your thoughts and share.

Thanks again, and God bless!

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