Today’s verse seems straightforward: “Do not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) And that is what today’s Proverb is about — taking another…
Daily Word: A Covenant with Our Eyes? Proverbs 5:3-4
Ah, winter months. For those who live in regions where snow and/or ice can keep us indoors, how are we spending our time? Once the usual…
Daily Word: What’s in the dark? Proverbs 4:18
I’m an early riser. Being an early riser means I’ve enjoyed a lot of sunrises. The beauty of sunrises is that each one is unique. What I…
Daily Word: What Type of Precious? Proverbs 3:15
What is precious to you? Some people cherish things — they define them with great value, as costly. Like jewels and precious metals. Others…
Daily Word: Indecision or Discernment? Proverbs 2:9
Do you struggle with indecision? Or perhaps the opposite: do you struggle with making too quick a decision? Both can produce disappointing…
Daily Word: Does It Compute? Proverbs 1:22
Our country is amazing, nevertheless, we are still a work in progress, no question. Which is why studying and living wisdom is so…
Daily Word: 4 Lessons I Learned from Skeeball. 1 John 5:14
Have you ever played games at amusement parks or traveling carnivals? Generally, it involves a lot of quarters that tally quickly to…
Daily Word: A House Divided or United? Proverbs 30:11
Tucked within this verse are years of lessons for us. Depending upon the season of our life — childhood, adulthood, and all the roles we…
Daily Word: What’s in a Name? Isaiah 12:2
My new readers frequently ask why I love using Jesus’s Hebrew name, Yeshua. Sometimes I say, “That’s the name His mother called Him when…