Okay. I have to chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14? “‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! . . .”
Daily Word: I Don’t Understand. John 20:2
I Don’t Understand. Shalom aleichem — Peace be unto you! Perhaps we can take some comfort in the story behind this verse.
Daily Word: He’s There, Psalm 34:19[18]
Each day there are millions who will celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, special days. But for some, today is a reminder of loss and pain.
Daily Word: Our Destination, 1 Peter 5:10
It’s not often, I relate a circumstance or event that just happened. Usually, I prefer to meditate on Abba’s messages and whatever else He has for me that I might be helpful to others. However, I’m sharing something that happened last night.
Daily Word: Isaiah 26:3
This is a song. A song of triumph. Isaiah is prophesying of a coming day when the Jewish people will sing — and learn — from this song. At long last, the oppressed will be lifted up by El Elyon [GOD Most High].
Daily Word: Psalm 34:19
When we’re grieving or brokenhearted, we can feel alone. Only we can know and understand the loss, right? Perhaps to those around us who try to comfort us, that may be true. But to our Heavenly Father? It is not true.
Daily Word: 2 Corinthians 4:16
As another birthday approaches and the knees and ankles creak and moan — or maybe it’s just me doing the moaning — I take comfort in this verse. What you see on the outside is nothing compared to what God is doing on the inside.
Daily Word: John 16:33
John 16 is written but a few days before the unthinkable will happen. Yeshua would be betrayed, tortured, nailed to a cross, and die. But, in “A little while, and you will no longer see Me; and again in a little while, you will see Me.” (vs. 16) Yeshua would rise from the dead. The Holy Spirit would then be poured out on them. What!?
Daily Word: 68:20 [19]
Most likely, this psalm — written by David — was a psalm of ascent. Ascent as in walking up to the Tabernacle in worship. This psalm has a wide range of themes, from conquering God’s enemies, defending widows and orphans, to remembering the Israelites in the desert, to warnings to kings of the nations, etc. But today’s verse, and many others in this psalm, is about comfort.