He is the King of Glory! Halleluyah! Handel’s Messiah–From the New Young Messiah. Enjoy!
Daily Word: 7 Steps to Peaceful Sleep, Psalm 4:9[8]
Do we struggle with a good night’s sleep? Unable to turn off our mind? Chapter four of Psalms is King David’s prayer for a peaceful sleep.
Daily Word: Sweet Fruit, Galatians 5:22-23
We’ve all encountered “fake fruit,” haven’t we? Fruit that looks shiny and edible, but we’re disappointed and even harmed by its falseness.
Daily Word: Before Anything! Romans 5:8
Before anything — two words that are unfathomable!
Daily Word: Just a Little Longer, Joshua 1:8
On the heels of mourning the death of Moses for thirty days (Deuteronomy 34:8), Joshua and the Children of Israel are preparing to finally enter the Promised Land.
Daily Word: Mobile Connections, Psalm 27:4
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, He spoke of a new “House” to worship His Father (John 4:21)
Daily Word: Yeshua Means Salvation, Acts 4:12
Yeshua Means Salvation. Literally. The name most know as Jesus was not what He was called when He was on this earth. Yeshua is the root of the word salvation.
Daily Word: Ready for Some Sparks? Proverbs 27:17
Do we trust one another as brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father to be challenged to a deeper understanding of God’s truth?
Daily Word: Are We Naked in Battle? Ephesians 6:11
Are We Naked in Battle? Well, that’s a dumb question, right? Except, sometimes, my friends, we rush into battle so quickly we forget to wear the complete armor set by the spiritual front door.