Sometimes we forget that important step to forgiveness: confession. Confession means we recognize that what we did was not just wrong, not just a mistake, but a sin.
Daily Word: God Likes U-Turns, Acts 3:19
The Hebrew word for repent is “teshuvah,” which literally means to turn or return.
Daily Word: Does it Compute? Proverbs 1:22
I like simple. Simple is okay — sometimes it’s even great. But there are times when our Heavenly Father wants me to look closer. Looking past the surface to see what He sees.
Daily Word: It’s Not Too Late, Isaiah 55:5-6
We probably all have friends or loved ones who have not turned or returned to the LORD. Perhaps you are seeking — wondering how a loving God could be found in the midst of a broken and unjust world?
Daily Word: Wanderers, Proverbs 27:8
What a vivid picture this provokes. A bird that flies too far from the safety of its home leaves itself vulnerable …
Daily Word: Unraveling the Snare, Proverbs 29:25
Any type of fear is a trap, but the fear of man is particularly tricky. It can disguise itself as a form of respect or responsibility. Or the fear of offending others with truth.
Daily Word: Our Destination, 1 Peter 5:10
It’s not often, I relate a circumstance or event that just happened. Usually, I prefer to meditate on Abba’s messages and whatever else He has for me that I might be helpful to others. However, I’m sharing something that happened last night.
Daily Word: Free Food? Isaiah 55:1-2
We know these verses have nothing to do with food or drink. When God talks about the basics of life — food, drink, home, work, rest — there’s always a deeper message.
Daily Word: Finding Our Balance, Proverbs 21:21
In our quest for living a righteous life, we can sometimes hyper-focus on our works and internal examinations.