Believe it or not, one doesn’t have to be a trained diplomat to be a peacemaker. Even professionals aren’t very successful these days. It…
Daily Word: Pure in Heart? Matthew 5:8
Once again, we pull from the gourmet feast that is commonly known as Yeshua’s “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew chapters 5-7). Today’s verse…
Daily Word: Causality and Casualties. Proverbs 30:32
Did you blink past today’s proverb? For years, I sure did. I treated this verse as merely the preface to verse 33: “For as churning milk…
Daily Word: GOD’s Justice is Bigger than Us. Proverbs 29:7
The book of Proverbs is big on justice. Why? Because justice is important to the Creator of the Universe — our Father. In fact, justice is…
Daily Word: Gloaming Test. Matthew 5:6
What do we hunger and thirst for? Each of us probably has different priorities. And these “cravings” can change from day to day…
Daily Word: Be That Kind of Friend. Proverbs 27:9
Do you have friends who are ointment and perfume — those who gladden your heart? Are they people you trust with your heart and have proven…
Daily Word: The Unexpected Blessing. Matthew 5:4
Imagine, if you will, Jesus sees the crowds following Him. Like lost sheep that instinctively understand that this Man is their true…
Daily Word: Poor in Spirit? Matthew 5:3
Who exactly are the poor in spirit? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? When we think of a poor person — especially the way the Bible…
Daily Word: Remember When God . . .? Psalm 34:5-6 [4-5], TLV
At sundown, those who celebrate the Biblical feasts will begin the fast for Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-32). It…