With all the dissent and fear and anxiety around us, is the LORD requiring this of us? To step toward real acts of love and service? Yes…
Daily Word: Would Wisdom Hire Us? Proverbs 9:3
Would we even apply to be one of Wisdom’s servant girls? I would! I want to be someone she hires — someone she trusts enough to convey her…
Daily Word: A Mountie? Proverbs 21:8
My graphic today is of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer. Perhaps because of watching the television series Due South, I think of…
Daily Word: Things Are Bad. 1 Peter 4:10
Context. It’s interesting to note that Peter believes that the “end of all things is near” (vs. 7). He seems to indicate that things are…
Daily Word: Psalm 100:2
How do we serve? With reluctance? Resentment? Resignation? Sorry, didn’t mean the alliteration, but we always have a choice how we serve. Joy or not.
Daily Word: Romans 12:1
Context is so relevant here. This verse is one of my stumbling verses. You know, where you feel so convicted and guilty that you can’t seem to get past it? I thought this verse was about . . .
Daily Word: 1 Peter 4:10
Context. It’s interesting to note that Peter believes that the “end of all things is near” (1 Peter 4:7). He seems to indicate that things are really getting bad, including suffering and persecution for their faith.
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 21:8
Today’s Blog: A Mountie?
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 17:2
Are you a wise servant?