Come on! Who does that? Add to that perseverance because we’re building character? Do we even know what real suffering is? We think we’re…
Daily Word: Are You at a Crossroads? Proverbs 8:2
Knowing that our decision could alter our future? Unsure which way to go? Wisdom is there. She’s taken her stand on the topmost height…
Daily Word: Preparing the Youth. 2 Timothy 1:7
In Paul’s second letter to his “spiritual” son, Timothy, he exhorts Timothy to press on without him. This letter was written by Paul in…
Daily Word: Adultery Against God? Proverbs 6:29
Today’s verse seems straightforward: “Do not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14) And that is what today’s Proverb is about — taking another…
Daily Word: Healthy Body Image? Proverbs 5:19
What exactly is body image? Formally defined: body image is a person’s perception of the aesthetics or attractiveness of their own body…
Daily Word: Consider it All Joy? Jacob (James) 1:2-3
When those challenges, illnesses, and tragedies arise, is our first response, “Yippee! Praise the LORD!”? Probably not…
Daily Word: Stuck in a Slimy Pit? Look Up! Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]
Honestly, have we ever felt like we were stuck in a slimy pit? As in, our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has…
Daily Word: Imagine the Moment. Proverbs 2:20
Guess what I’m thinking about? Well, that’s not fair to ask so here goes. I’m thinking about that day. The day I look my Messiah…
Daily Word: I’m Chuckling Right Now. Why? Isaiah 41:10
Because context is so important. Again. At first glance, today’s verse is so uplifting. Edifying. And it is, but reading the whole chapter…