Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth produced a strong reaction. In this case, it was conviction of their sins — even deep sorrow and grief.
Daily Word: Justice, Mercy, Humility, Micah 6:8
GOD shares only a tip of the mountain of what He has done. What is the response? Go back to appeasing a God, rather than seeking ADONAI for what He really wants: their hearts.
Daily Word: The Cost, Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua. Romans 8:1, TLV The Cost. What was the cost for our salvation and adoption? Our atonement? It was so great of a cost. For a long time folks who don’t understand what atonement means, have substituted the word “saved” for atoned. Saved means many things. Yanking someone …
Daily Word: We’re the Aliens, Habakkuk 2:14
We’re the Aliens. How do we have peace in the midst of unrest and chaos, even within our families? It is with reminders that this is not our home.
Daily Word: After Jonah, Nahum 1:7
We look at another “minor” prophet’s words today, Nahum. Nahum is the Hebrew word for comfort or consolation, but this prophet’s writings are anything but — at least for Nineveh.
Daily Word: Less is More, Matthew 6:25
You know what I noticed? The more stuff I have, the more I worry about other stuff. What about you?
Daily Word: Treasures of the Heart, Matthew 6:19
It’s not about treasuring physical treasures. The earthly treasures in this verse are broader when taken in context with the whole chapter.
Daily Word: It Wasn’t Me, Proverbs 18:21
It Wasn’t Me! Just so you know, I did not choose today’s verse. The Holy Spirit — via YouVersion — picked our passage.
Daily Word: Us Worms? Isaiah 41:10
Okay. I have to chuckle. Context is so important. Did you read verse 14?