What was the “Law” of Messiah? That question has been debated for centuries, even more so in the last three or four decades. Most folks believe the Law of the Messiah was referring to a conversation Jesus had with a Pharisee — a scholar and one who studied the Law.
Daily Word: Romans 8:6
Goodness. Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, please do, as it further demonstrates the brilliance and incredible ability for Paul to turn a beautiful phrase.
Daily Word: Ephesian 3:20-21
The context of today’s verse(s) of the day is fascinating. Paul is writing from prison, “for the sake of you, Gentiles” (3:1). I love the book of Ephesians because Paul gives incredible insights the Great Mystery …
Daily Word: Galatians 6:10
“Especially those who belong to the household of faith.” We sometimes forget that, don’t we? Or, we forget the “all.” Where does our family fit into this equation? Finding that solution is so important.
Daily Word: Mark 11:24
Today, people pray for miracles or wants and desires. From the simple to the sublime or the selfless to the selfish, prayers are offered up in great faith that God will do whatever they ask — because of this verse.
Daily Word: Micah 7:18
Micah speaks of the “remnant of His heritage,” who are the remnant?
Daily Word: Psalm 103:19
Sometimes it’s all about perspective. An ant’s world is huge. We see the ant and see a tiny nuisance. Our Heavenly Father — the Creator of the Universe — has an immense perspective. We’re the ant in that perspective.
Daily Word: Hebrews 13:8
What does that mean, really? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Let’s think that through, as readers of the Bible, not scholars. Sojourners toward the greatest adventure ever. Let’s begin with the biggie when Jesus said …
Daily Word: Psalm 100:2
How do we serve? With reluctance? Resentment? Resignation? Sorry, didn’t mean the alliteration, but we always have a choice how we serve. Joy or not.