Imagine this Praise! Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven.
Daily Word: Repentance that Leads to Freedom, 2 Corinthians 7:10
Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth produced a strong reaction. In this case, it was conviction of their sins — even deep sorrow and grief.
Daily Word: Justice, Mercy, Humility, Micah 6:8
GOD shares only a tip of the mountain of what He has done. What is the response? Go back to appeasing a God, rather than seeking ADONAI for what He really wants: their hearts.
Daily Word: The Cost, Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua. Romans 8:1, TLV The Cost. What was the cost for our salvation and adoption? Our atonement? It was so great of a cost. For a long time folks who don’t understand what atonement means, have substituted the word “saved” for atoned. Saved means many things. Yanking someone …
Daily Word: We’re the Aliens, Habakkuk 2:14
We’re the Aliens. How do we have peace in the midst of unrest and chaos, even within our families? It is with reminders that this is not our home.
Daily Word: After Jonah, Nahum 1:7
We look at another “minor” prophet’s words today, Nahum. Nahum is the Hebrew word for comfort or consolation, but this prophet’s writings are anything but — at least for Nineveh.
Daily Word: Less is More, Matthew 6:25
You know what I noticed? The more stuff I have, the more I worry about other stuff. What about you?
Daily Word: Snip, Snip, Snip, John 15:2
Have you ever seen a vineyard after it has been pruned? When we lived in northern California, we would drive by vineyards after the pruning and those poor things looked like twigs planted in the soil. But,
Daily Word: Treasures of the Heart, Matthew 6:19
It’s not about treasuring physical treasures. The earthly treasures in this verse are broader when taken in context with the whole chapter.