The context of these verses is not what you might think. This passage of comfort and love appear at the end of a series of statements . . .
Daily Word: Love our Enemies? Matthew 5:44
Love our Enemies? Really? And pray for those who go out of their way to persecute us? Oy!
Daily Word: Endures Forever, Psalm 100:5
Did you know there are more than 40 passages that speak of GOD’s mercy and lovingkindness? And they’re not in the New Testament.
Daily Word: Follow His Lead, 1Timothy 2:5
Context, again. Paul’s letter to Timothy — and us — is a reminder to pray and intercede on behalf of all people, including those in authority.
Daily Word: Ready for Some Sparks? Proverbs 27:17
Do we trust one another as brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father to be challenged to a deeper understanding of God’s truth?
Daily Word: Matthew 5:6
What do we hunger and thirst for? Each of us probably have different priorities. And these “cravings” can change from day to day.
Daily Word: Matthew 1:21
What does the strange name “Mucka” and William Shakespeare have to do with today’s verse in Daily Word? Read on …
Daily Word: Hebrews 11:22-23
Hebrews chapter eleven is such an enlightening journey through humanity’s history of faith. Powerful moments. Inspiring moments. But was Moses perfect?
Daily Word: Luke 12:40
One of my pet peeves, and the sources of much debate is clearly addressed in today’s Daily Word. Yeshua’s return.