Let your heart not be troubled . . . No small task, is it? Yeshua (Jesus) is preparing His followers for His death and eventual departure from this world.
Daily Word: Childlike Faith, Matthew 18:3-5
Have you ever watched a toddler exploring a beach or pool or even the backyard for the first time? Before the dangers, before the things that have tainted our understanding? It’s beautiful.
Daily Word: 3 Ways to Season with Grace, Colossians 4:6
Have you ever eaten a dish that was too salty or spicy? Not pleasant is it? What if our sharing the Good News is too salty or spicy?
Daily Word: Look Beyond the Obvious, Jacob [James] 4:7
I am going a bit off topic here because, well, I think this is fascinating.
Daily Word: Run, Don’t Walk! Proverbs 18:10
We have a choice to run to the LORD at the first sight of danger, fear, anger, need, want, loneliness, longing, temptation, desire, destruction — well, you get the idea.
Daily Word: Therefore. Hebrews 4:16
My rabbi in Philadelphia used to say, “If a sentence begins with the word, ‘therefore,’ then read the sentences before to see what it is there for.”
Daily Word: Don’t Forget the Next Verse, Philippians 4:19
My old buggaboo, context. Paul’s final words to the Philippian believers is so beautifully written. So worshipful. Yet …
Daily Word: Imagine this Praise, Revelation 4:11
Imagine this Praise! Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven.
Daily Word: Repentance that Leads to Freedom, 2 Corinthians 7:10
Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth produced a strong reaction. In this case, it was conviction of their sins — even deep sorrow and grief.