It was after midnight. My future mother-in-love and I were driving back from visiting my future hubby, who was in Navy boot camp outside Chicago.
Daily Word: Action vs. Words, 1 Corinthians 13:13
It’s important to remember that love — like faith and hope — is an action word. It’s a choice.
Daily Word: Yet, I Will Still … Habakkuk 3:17-18
Today, we may be asking God “why” or “how could this.” And, that’s okay, just as with Habakkuk, God is big enough to handle our fear and doubt.
Daily Word: Sweet Talk, Proverbs 16:24
If you have followed my Proverbs blogs over the years you’ve learned as I learned, about the medicinal properties of honey.
Daily Word: Weed Out Worry, Matthew 6:34
Worry sneaks into our lives in so many ways, doesn’t it? From people-pleasing, to what we’ll wear, to our health, our loved ones, whether we’ll have enough food to feed our children, worry chokes the life out of our faith. Worry chokes the life out of our love and joy.
Daily Word: Seek Shalom, 1 Peter 3: 12
Dear Peter. Gotta love him. He writes to the believers of Messiah — both Jewish and non-Jewish — to instruct them in how to live within the nations.
Daily Word: Echad, Zechariah 14:9
Those who love delving into the book of Revelation will love Zechariah. Reading today’s chapter will give us the flavor of the last book of the Bible.
Daily Word: Seeking Wholeheartedly, Jeremiah 29:13
Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. It also shows this Creator’s heart — the heart of the Father.
Daily Word: Don’t Forget Them, James [Jacob] 1:27
Many of us are on difficult journeys: walking with our parents through the trials of old age that includes dementia and/or Alzheimer, or dealing with young people in our lives who are wounded, or at risk.